Update on Course Schedule and Posts

Hello again you hearty beta testers.  We are realizing that there is a lot of content in this course, and that it is difficult to work through all the technical glitches and the content in the short time we have allocated.  Thus, we have simplified the last week somewhat.  We would still like you to try to make your way through all the HOMEWORK assignments, and complete the final project summary, so we can get some assessment of how the material worked.  (Remember, you are not getting graded.  We just want to get a sense of what was communicated.)

The schedule and outline for the course now looks like this:

Blog Post Topic Activity and Time
Week One Posted by May 11 Responses by May 18
1-1 Introductions Response – quick
2-1 Conflict Response – quick
2-2 Thomas Kilman Conflict Styles Response – quick
2-3 to 2-7 Individual Conflict Styles Response – quick
2-8 Conflict Styles Summary & Reflection Response – quick
3-1a to 3.1f An Overview of the Context for Collaboration:  Leading in a Power Shared Worlda.Federalismb. Civil Societyc. Economyd. Procedural & Civic Republic Trad.

e. Nature of today’s envt & NR problems

f. When and Why to collaborate

Review and take in (like a lecture) Brief response to let us know you’ve heard and to ask any questions you’d like.
3-2 to 3-4 Public Decision Making Models – Model #1, #2 and #3 Exercise – respond – quick
3-5 Decision Making Models – Debrief Summary Summary – reflect – quick
4-0 Emergence of Collaborative Governance Overview info – respond to let us know you’ve been through it and to ask any questions
4-1 Context of Public Decisions Respond – quick
4-2 Problem Abyss to Implementable Solutions Anchor in Road Map and begin the journey.  Respond to let us know you’re with us.
4-3 Initial Screening Application of content:  HOMEWORK #1 – Post in student blog.
4-4 Junction of Public Processes Analysis – HOMEWORK # 2 Post in student blog
5-0 Key Elements for Collaborative Success Appreciative Inquiry Exercise – participate
5-1 Overview of Collaborative Decision-Making Review and respond with observations
5-2 Summary of Collaborative Decision-Making Elements Summary of content – Review and respond to let us know if you are still with us.
5-3 Junction of Public Processes Analysis Application of theory.  HOMEWORK #3 – Post in student blog
Week Two Posted by May 18 Responses by May 25
6-0 Framing an Issue for Collaboration Overview – let us know you’re with us
6-1 Creativity in Framing Video – post responses
6-2 Considerations in Framing Group exercise – Post responses
7-0 Collaborative Decision-Making Step 1:  Assessment and Planning Discussion – quick responses
7-1 Conducting the Internal Assessment Worksheet – HOMEWORK 7-1
7-2 Internal Assessment  Analysis Worksheet and Analysis HOMEWORK 7-2
8-0 Understanding Interests Overview – let us know you’re with us
8-1 Exploring Interests Overview – let us know you’re with us
8-2 Tips to Uncover Interests Review roleplay and post responses
9-0 Conducting a Neutral External Assessment Worksheet — HOMEWORK 9-0
9-1 Interviewing Stakeholders Develop Protocol — HOMEWORK 9-1
9-2 External Assessment Summary Worksheet Summary – HOMEWORK 9-2
9-3 Collaboration Assessment Analysis – HOMEWORK 9-3
Week Three Posted by May 25 Completed by June 1 (or 3)
10-0 Collaborative Process Step 2: Organization Overview – let us know you’re with us
10-1 WHAT:  Defining the Group’s Purpose Purpose Stmt. HOMEWORK 10-1
10-2 WHO:  Defining Group Composition Stakeholder List HOMEWORK 10-2
10-3 The How:  Group Structure and Process HOMEWORK 10-3
10-4 Consensus Decision-Making Information only
10-5 Working with FACA in designing a process Information only
10-6 Working Agreements:  Capturing the Org. HOMEWORK 10-6
10-7 The Organizing Step:  Putting it all Together Summary – Chance for Q&A
10-8 Tips for Meeting Planning Information only
10-9 Planning for a Successful Meeting Information only
10-10 Roles: Facilitators, Conveners, Sponsors, Recorders Information only
14-0 Final Project Summary Assignment HOMEWORK 14-0 Due June 1-3, 2012 – Debriefing conference call to be scheduled June 5 or 6.
End of Beta Test Course The Following are Informational Only So you can see the rest of the steps Summary pieces are being posted for your information
11-0 Collaborative Decision Making Step 3:  Education
12-0 Collaborative Decision-making Step 4:  Negotiation-Resolution
13-0 Collaborative Process Step 5:  Implementation

You will notice the last few blog posts are listed as informational only.  They contain information that we thought most students would like to see, but we are not able to have you actually apply them in this course setting.  Thus, they are not necessary in order to complete the final project summary.

About the final project summary:  If you completed all your homework assignments, you will have basically completed the project.  The final summary is a reflection on what you have come up with along the way, and an analysis of how well your project (problem, issue) is suited for a collaborative process.  We’d like you to advise your managers on its likelihood for a successful process and agreement on an outcome.

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