10-10 Process Roles: Facilitator, Convener, Sponsor and Recorder

Sometimes the person who “convenes” the meeting is automatically looked to as the “chair” or the facilitator.  It is rare, however, that a convener or chair has the skills of a well trained consensus facilitator.  Therefore, when it is appropriate to have a person serve in the role of a chair or a convener because of their position or because they hold the respect of the participants and can get them to the table, it is still useful to have a trained facilitator work with them.

Two other roles that are often needed in a collaborative process are that of a SPONSOR and that of a RECORDER.


A sponsor is one who initiates a collaborative process and either supports it financially or helps to gather the necessary funding and resources to support the process.  Usually the sponsor has a direct interest in the outcome, so is not neutral.  The sponsor, if an interested party, should be represented in the process, but should not be in control of it.  Serving dual roles of sponsor and convener can be problematic, but is sometimes necessary.  Having a neutral forum and a neutral facilitator will help to meet the principles of collaborative governance.


Ideally the role of recorder is also a neutral role.  The recorder works with the facilitator to capture the work of the collaborative group, to maintain the collective conversation by serving as the group memory.  Recording may be done by charting – recording on flip charts in front of the group in order to help group members know they have been heard and help others in the group hear and recall what was said.  It may also be done by simply taking notes during the meeting, then summarizing them and distributing them after.  Or, it may be a combination.  It is important for the recording to be done in a neutral fashion, reframing language for clarity and respectfulness, but maintaining the tone.  It is also important to help sort through the chaos of ideas at certain stages and help the group see how the ideas are building toward the problem solving goal.

Recording is a crucial and often under-valued role in helping a group reach consensus.  It is both a talent and a skill that must be honed with practice.

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