11-0 Collaborative Decision Making Step 3: Education

Once the Collaborative Decision-Making Process has been convened and agreement is reached on operating principles or working agreements, the process moves into Phase Two, Seek Agreement.  Many people see this phase as the process, because it is in this phase that all the group meetings occur, and the work on the substance takes place.

However, there are two major steps in this phase, and it is important to start with Step 3, Education, even though many people want to jump right into negotiating on solutions.

Doing the education step well will pave the way for efficient, productive and collaborative agreements and solutions.  It will also help the group sort out the problem(s) it is REALLY needing to solve.  (So often groups spend a lot of energy on things that are not the real problems.) The Point icon indicates an important point

1 thought on “11-0 Collaborative Decision Making Step 3: Education

  1. Phase 2? Step 3? I’m confused. If you are going to rely on a model with numbered phases and steps, it would be helpful to repeat frequently the phases and steps.

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